At our birth, our intuition urged us to leave the womb of our mother, to breathe, to nourish ourselves, and to build ourselves.

In childhood, our intuition protected us from many dangers; from the bite of an irritated dog to a violent bicycle fall, even to that red berry that would have been deadly to taste.

In adolescence, our intuition began to be stifled, suffocated by the logic, pragmatism, and realism of the adult world that presented itself at our doorstep.

We are adults now.

We are fully in control, decision-makers, responsible for our lives.

However, even as masters, decision-makers, and responsible individuals, we have been shaped by years of logical, pragmatic, and realistic thinking. Therefore, believing in our intuitions, when no one else does, is a challenge to the logic, norms, and codes that define us as individuals; a challenge that can sometimes be painful.

MindBook offers us the opportunity to dare to listen to our intuitions without pain, to give them an echo and a life beyond fleeting and fragile thoughts.

MindBook offers us the opportunity to become aware of the realism of our intuitions; to fully immerse ourselves in conscious and acknowledged intuition.

When an intuition crosses our minds, we write it down, dated, in MindBook. Regularly, we reread these blocks of light so as not to forget them and to be able to recognize them, and... when an intuition comes true... we complete its story in MindBook, thus connecting the message from the past that has traversed our personal journey to its revelation in the present; a clue to our future, a future that becomes increasingly conscious.